We have to learn to live with "Corona"


We have to learn to live with "Corona"

Will we all become robots? Robot Atlas will do everything like ATLAS or robot SOPHIA. Walking, walking, working, answering questions as a follower of the machine mind. Duty in offices, factories and hospitals. At the same time, blinking eyes and smiling lightly like a robot Sofia, and the idea of ​​"and that's it" stays in my mind all the time, because in fact, because of the Corona epidemic, meeting someone, coming and going was all off. When the government eased the lockdown, two and a half months later, my daughter returned to visit her six-year-old son. 

As soon as I saw my granddaughter, I spread my arms towards her with great warmth and she immediately stepped back and said, "Nine big mama" Distance please "and I stayed there; I just stopped. With strange feelings. Our old employee passed away recently. Following the SOP, I went to his house wearing a mask and gloves to offer condolences. His daughter came to me as soon as she saw me. Baji, Baba left, said Zaruqtar, holding him by the shoulder. 

My heart was troubled. My throat was also sore and my eyes became wet and I hugged him and began to comfort him. Suddenly my mind warned me to keep a social distance, lest this girl be corona, and I slowly separated her from my shoulder and began to comfort her. But somewhere in my heart I had an idea that this is not true. The heart complained, the mind stopped and offered an explanation. That's right. Thoughts die but continue to torment, but the rule of the mind informs you of the pros and cons, which just makes me think that we will all become robots.

The World Health Organization has also said that we have to learn to live with corona and currently there is no possibility of a corona vaccine being ready by the end of this year. We just have to live with corona. Gloves, sanitizers, social distance, do not shake hands, do not hug, keep a distance of 6 feet, the mask has been used and will continue to be used.

What can Naz say about his lips?

The petals are like a rose

Or just slap his lips on the paper

Laughter on the lips makes its place

Where there will be poems, how there will be mention of teeth like pearls. The language of facial expressions, the beauty of the tone and the beauty of the smile will become a thing of the past. Feelings like ignorance, devilishness, silence, loneliness and sadness will disappear. Jagnu, the stars, the sunshine, the dim colors, the sparks of sorrow, some gestures of joy will all lose their significance, because we will all become robots and from a distance of six feet we will hear a faint tone and whisper. Will not give Then where will you find such poems?

What a whisper the eternal veil of the heart is shaking

I can hear your voice coming

But what to do? Shaking hands, hugging is forbidden, because you have to learn to live with Corona. It is forbidden to hold hands and explain with love, it is forbidden to give comfort by embracing the one who is crying, it is also forbidden to pray with hands on the head and then gradually we will become robots. The robot is not emotional. He does not get angry, he does not take anything to heart, he does not even cry with tears, because these signs belong to a normal living person and these emotions are not related to the mind but to the heart.

Don't ask questions, don't grieve, don't tell stories, don't complain

In your covenant, all authority is gone

But I do not understand that greed, greed, aggressive desires and evil deeds that have made this beautiful world extremely ugly are related to the heart or the mind?

What Iqbal said well:

The guardian of the heart must be the guardian of intellect

But sometimes leave him alone

But when it is forbidden to listen to the heart and it is necessary to obey the mind, then what to give up and what to guard. But remember, thought, sorrow, joy, sorrow, fear and hope are related to the heart and mind days.

Anyway, to live a quiet life, one does not need any long-winded philosophy, penance or austerity, just lovingly caring for the rights of others and making things easier for them, but maybe these are matters of the heart. Is encouraged. On the other hand, it seems that the benefits of becoming a robot are so great that when everyone becomes a robot, there will be no oppression and abuse, if there is no love, there will be no hatred, there will be no rift in relationships, hearts will not be broken. People will not commit suicide, they will not suffer from mental illnesses, there will be no discrimination between boys and girls, there will be no honor killings, robots do not have hearts in their bodies, hot blood does not run in their veins, numbness To survive in society, it may be better to become a robot, but still the heart prays. God forbid; do not show a scene in which we are thirsty to laugh and cry, do not let the light during the day, we Ruthless man

We have to learn to live with "Corona" We have to learn to live with "Corona" Reviewed by Ishaq Info Point on August 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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